Friday, December 4, 2009

For old people! Paine's Celery Compound ad, 1888

Paine's Celery compound, 1888


Montreal Daily Star,

14 August 1888, page 3

For Old People!

In old people the nervous system is weakened, and that must be strengthened.  One of the most prominent medical writers of the day, in speaking of the prevalence of rheumatic troubles among the aged, says: “The various pains, rheumatic or other, which old people often complain of, and which materially disturb their comfort, result from disordered nerves.”  There it is in a nutshell—the medicine for old people must be a nerve tonic.  Old people are beset with constipation, flatulency, drowsiness, diarrhea, indigestion, rheumatism, neuralgia.

These diseases are of nervous origin.  Paine’s Celery Compound, that great nerve tonic, is almost a specific in these disorders, and by its regulating influence on the liver, bowels, and kidneys, removes the disorders particular to old age.  Old people find it stimulating to the vital powers, productive of appetite and a promoter of digestion.

Sold by druggists.  $1.00.  six for $5.00.  Send for an eight-page paper, with many testimonials from nervous, debilitated and aged people, who bless Paine’s Celery Compound.

Wells Richardson & Co

Montreal, PQ.


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