Monday, September 14, 2009

My Bowel Movement

Yesterday, I received a patient transfer from ICU after a carotid endarterectomy. She was stable, elderly, though was best described as “needy” at times. Some folks are just that way. I think it’s a type of abuse.

Anyway, the Nurse whom had cared for her gave me report on the patient’s condition (in person), and when she got to the bowel/GI part, she mentioned that the patient had been given several doses of metoclopramide (Reglan®) to stimulate the bowel. Then,  she yammered on and on and on and on in a seemingly endless twittering blather about the color, consistency, smell, volume and texture of the patient’s stool.

She did that not just once, but at least three times!

I thought it was a bunch of shit.

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